Friday, September 18, 2009

Photoshop 3d Logo

This is a rough logo I created quickly using the Photoshop 3d tutorial that I sent out. I could not get the Alt+Right Cursor step to work - to create the duplicate offset layers - but you can just choose Layer>Duplicate layer and nudge each layer (each one one more step than the last - just make sure the layer is selected and use the left or right arrow key to nudge).

Just make sure the colored layer is on the top of the darkened group layers.

I will try to post an Illustrator version later - and please share your experiences and tips with all!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Assignment #1

Select five advertisements, either on-line, print or billboards (but select at least one of each - scan print ads, photograph billboards, download computer ads). Analyze each ad according to design criteria from Mediapedia - post images and commentary to your blog.

Font: serif or sans-serif

Structure (page 112): select one
Symmetrical or asymmetrical (page 115)
Select elements which from criteria on pages 116-120) – at least three


Font: uses a graduated sans-serif font
: uses a concrete structure

heavily towards the bottom and is asymetrical in layout.

Displays a high contrast in the background (blue to orange)
Strong direction from the top to the bottom.

Font: uses a bold sans-serif font
Structure: uses a formal structure
The arrangement is highly balanced (the text balances out the graphic of the chair)
The arrangement is symmetrical
The poster displays a variety of text groupings which help the viewer access a variety of information (past films, reviews, movie, title, festivals etc).