Thursday, July 30, 2009

Assignment #1

Select five advertisements, either on-line, print or billboards (but select at least one of each - scan print ads, photograph billboards, download computer ads). Analyze each ad according to design criteria from Mediapedia - post images and commentary to your blog.

Font: serif or sans-serif

Structure (page 112): select one
Symmetrical or asymmetrical (page 115)
Select elements which from criteria on pages 116-120) – at least three


Font: uses a graduated sans-serif font
: uses a concrete structure

heavily towards the bottom and is asymetrical in layout.

Displays a high contrast in the background (blue to orange)
Strong direction from the top to the bottom.

Font: uses a bold sans-serif font
Structure: uses a formal structure
The arrangement is highly balanced (the text balances out the graphic of the chair)
The arrangement is symmetrical
The poster displays a variety of text groupings which help the viewer access a variety of information (past films, reviews, movie, title, festivals etc).

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